This testing method helps conduct and evaluate bacterial activity on different tests with products like commercial disinfectants and antiseptics. This EN 1276 test is a kind of antibacterial test, and many similar tests are available for other products. The main aim is to test the disinfectant, antiseptics, and other similar formulations against various bacterias. This test will help to find the capability of the product with different real-time bacterias.
This test method is said to be a suspension test method, and it is for testing chemical antiseptic and disinfectants for bactericidal activities on them. This method takes about four to five days to complete, and it is a slow process, so it needs a lot of time for the bacterial development for the different testing processes. Improper growth of bacteria may change the significant result of the test. This test can use nine other bacterias, and even some additional strains can also work with it.
Organisms in antibacterial testing
Different bacterial testings use different kinds of bacterias, and this EN 1276 uses Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538P), Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (ATCC 15442), Enterococcus-(ATCC 10541), and Escherichia coli (ATCC 8739) for testing purposes. These bacterias are the real-time bacterias that are around us even now. These bacterias are very slow and weak. The laboratory gets its requirements like temperature and time to grow with high ability and activate them for the correct and suitable condition.
Some other bacterias like enterococcis faecium, Salmonella, Typhimurium, Lactobacillus brevis, Enterobacter cloacae are also used by the En 1276 testers. The testing method has several steps and processes involved, along with the incubation of bacterias. Other antibacterial testing methods like ASTME2149, AATCC-100, JISZ2801, and JISL1902 also use these bacterias to make their product more immune and robust against bacterial attacks. Each antibacterial test method will have a different test process, and each will work with other products.
Antibacterial test
This testing involves different steps, and each stage has unique methods to do them. The first step in this EN 1276 test is the sample preparation for that in a test tube. Add 1ml of interfering substance and 1ml of test suspension and name the test tube as A and mix both the component well. In the second step, add the 8ml of customer solution above the previous mixture. Then set them free for some time without any physical disturbance. The time is the time of incubation with a particular temperature as required.
Then the process of neutralization in this process after completion of contact time in a new test tube with name b add 1ml of test tube A solution and 8ml of neutralization and 1ml of water to test tube B then. Then mix the solution on test tube B, take two agar plates, and add 1ml of test tube B solution to each. Then again, incubate both vessels, and from the outcome of this test, we can get the final result of the product.
Uses of Testing methods
These testing methods are beneficial to our modern life. Most bacterias and viruses spread through human contact only. These tests will help reduce the spread of these bacterias and viruses and support their products to be more immune to these viruses and bacterias. The products that are immune to these organisms will be safer for public usage. These are the primary advantages of both antibacterial and antiviral testing.
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