Jis z 2801 is a method used to test the ability of hard plastic, metals, ceramics, and other antimicrobial surfaces. If, on these surfaces, the growth of microorganisms will be present, then it will be helpful to kill them and clean the surface. The procedure is quite sensitive, and it can proceed with some expertise. This method is used at many places and has real-world applications anywhere from the hospital/clinic environment to household consumption. It is concerned with the ability of a material which have the function to allow bacterial growth.
This Jis z 2801 method is the most commonly chosen antibacterial test and has become the reliable method for hard surface performance in the united states. You can find a great summary after the successful testing of this antibacterial test. This test is designed to quantitatively test the ability of hard surfaces to inhibit the growth of microorganisms or kill them as well.
What will you find in the jis z 2801 test?
Test microorganisms are prepared after the growth in a liquid culture medium. The suspension of the test is standardized after the dilution in nutritive of microorganisms. Controls and test surfaces are involved with the microorganisms, in triplicate, and then it starts with the microbial inoculum is covered with a thin, sterile film. Covering and preventing from evaporating and ensures close contact with the surface. Microbial concentrations are determined with time zero with elution, followed by dilution and plating. Control is done to verify that the method is working effectively or not; if it works properly, then it will neutralize the antimicrobial agent who will be further tested.
After that, antimicrobial test surfaces are allowed to incubate and kept undisturbed in a humid environment for 24 hours. After incubation then microbial concentrations are determined. The reduction of microorganisms are relative to initial concentrations, and then the control surface is calculated by the researchers. This method is quantitative, and results that are to be reproducible, provided with the inculum which does not spill off of the target area and then it will be covered with a thin film. The method test for bacteriostatic (includes growth and inhabitation) and bactericidal that comes with (bacteria-killing) properties.
Measurement for an antibacterial activity for plastic products
Iso 22196 method is designed to quantitatively test for the ability of hard plastic to check the growth of microorganisms or to kill them for further formation. Over a 24 hours period of contact. It is a relatively sensitive assay, meaning that it can be detected in low-level antimicrobial effects exerted over a longer period of time. The edition of the method extends to its applicability for other non-porous surfaces with no longer limited to plastics surfaces. ISO 22196 was designed after the success of jis z 2801. The experts easily do these two methods to check the microbial growth of plastics.
Results after iso 22196
The test microorganisms are prepared with the liquid of the culture medium. For each method, two representative microorganisms are specified as per researchers. It depends on the study sponsors testing objectives, and products end goals, micro chem laboratory that can be modified the test method, which will complete the testing objectives while maintaining a proper defensible study. In this testing, it can be more product relevant if it will be clinically and microorganisms. The suspension of these test microorganisms is standardized with dilution in the process of microorganisms that can grow during the test.
Control and test surfaces are relevant with microorganisms in triplicate, and then it spreads it, prevents it from evaporating and ensures close contact with the testing surface. The microbiological assays run at Microchem laboratory, which is performed with the necessary control to provide adequate comparisons with both start of the test as well as the contact time, in this case, after 24 hours will be contact time. These controls allow the researcher to evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy, which can be attributed to the article technology and available with this technology. This is achieved with the proper functions and control.
Some more details of iso 22196
The control indicates the variable that could affect the bacterial reduction which being evaluated with this test. Microbial concentrations are determined with the proper function of all criteria that are followed during dilution and plating. Control is done to verify that the process of neutralization method effectively neutralizes the antimicrobial agent on this surface. Covered control and antimicrobial test surfaces are allowed and remain undisturbed and kept in a container in a humid environment for 24 hours. By including the proper controls, it is able to make these reductions and calculations are done by experts. Having the proper ability to check this test is required.
These tests help to know about the bacteria present over the plastic and whether it is safe or not. Having a good research team will always going to help do to test perfectly. Many companies do this to ensure that whether any form of bacteria is there in their product or not.